Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Teton Crest Trail - Wyoming - Part 13 - Day 4 - Cascade Canyon to Lake Solitude

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Everyone slept pretty well that night - we had a great white noise generator; the cascading snow melt roaring down the mountain side.  I slept the best of any of the nights.  Perhaps it was the hard prior day that did it - but I would like to credit the wonderful waterfall sound.

Unfortunately the next morning dawned with still some dissension in the ranks - Flyrod was hiking out that morning.  I discussed this with him later, once back home, he said he just needed some time alone.  Had a lot of crap going on in his life that needed sorting - and maybe a cold beer with his thoughts.  We were fine with his decision if it made him happy.  Sugar decided to push on with Whitey and I - so there was some benefit to the night's rest.  We would miss Flyrod but we knew he would be fine - a great independent spirit.   Since we were now heading into popular day hike zones and had encountered more hikers than ever before, Flyrod would probably find some other hikers to head down the trail with.   Cheers to you Flyrod - happy trails.

Camp 3 - South Fork Cascade - to Camp 4 - Holly Lake via Paintbrush Divide

Camp 3 at bottom - Camp 4 -Holly Lake at top - over the divide.
Trail ascends the North Fork of Cascade Canyon to Lake Solitude - then up the side of mountain over Paintbrush Divide
Morning Coffee - Jagman

Flyrod traverses a beautifully built bridge over the creek

The cascade of water - leaving the mountain.

The Tetons rise from the morning haze
Whitey transferring the directions to Flyrod - we would part ways here for a couple days

Flyrod either putting in the directions down the canyon - or finding his Lady Gaga hiking music.
So with a condensed team we made our way up the North Fork of Cascade Canyon.   After looking around on our way up toward Lake Solitude, at the camp sites in particular, we are happy we stayed in the South Fork of the canyon - so much nicer.

We encounter a moose cow and her calf under the shade trees.  She didn't really seem to mind we were there - so we just slowly moved along and out of her way.  Lunch awaited up the trail.

Sugar and Whitey - working their way up the canyon.

The Tetons looking more and more like a well painted backdrop in a Hollywood set

We arrived at Lake Solitude - the name does not fit anymore - it was kind of busy there.  Day hikers were up from Jenny Lake campsites and people were coming down from a loop trail they took up Paintbrush Canyon.  Still we could not complain.  It was indeed stunning.  We met a group that had been hiking the area - they told us that a marmot had chewed through straps to his backpack - maybe getting the salt from his sweat or trying to get inside for snacks.  Don't leave your gear unattended with these guys around.

We rested up, ate our lunch, and looked over at the snaking trail that was heading up to Paintbrush Divide.  It did not look fun - exposed, steep, and a long ways up.  We pushed on.

Lake Solitude (9,035ft)

Go here next - Teton Crest Trail -Part 14

or back to beginning - Teton Crest Trail - Part 1

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