Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Teton Crest Trail - Wyoming - Part 10 - Day 3 - Alaska Basin

Click here for prior post.

NOTE: Click any picture to enlarge.

We entered the Alaska Basin with a climb over the edge of, well, a basin edge.  We popped in at the Mt. Meek pass (9726ft) - and then looked down into the park-like basin below.  It was stunning.  Lots of trees and rocks.  There were also lots of small ponds or lakes - the basin lakes.  It would make for some great camping - but I am sure the bears love it too.

I am thinking - wow - that is the trail down there and we need to climb out the other side.
The gang again.  The wind is playing havoc with my hair - need better product.
Lot of switchbacks - the "Sheep Steps" to get down.
Teton Creek
Down in the basin
Flyrod - "I wonder if I should wet my line?"

The basin looked like at some point, in the very distant past, a huge glacier scraped through here on the way to Idaho.  There is bedrock, small ponds and lots of rubble left behind as the glacier receded.  Looking down the canyon to the west it is easy to imagine a different time when this was happening.

There are a couple of side trails that intersect with the TCT down in the basin.  The one shown below heads east towards Buck Mountain (11,939ft) - the large spire in distance - and then up and over the pass down to Death Canyon.  Continuing on the trail, it heads toward Phelps Lake on the eastern side of the range.  Sounds like a nice hike too; someday.

As we stood here admiring the view, we saw a woman making her way in running gear up from Idaho and heading toward the pass.  To be acclimated at this elevation must give you super-human powers at sea level.  She was a divorcee from Idaho and loves to run for therapy and fitness.  She will make it to the other side and stay with some friends until they take her home.  I have to admit it made me nervous for her to be out here alone - but she had a small bear spray canister, a Nalgene bottle with a drinking straw-style filter, and a great attitude; I guess she will be fine.

Mt Meek (10,681ft) - the TCT comes over the ridge on the right side in front (better view latter)

Flyrod's turn at a Lewis and Clark impression
We did it - that was a fun little dip-sy-do.
No we didn't - still more climbing to get out!!

One last look - the TCT drops in at the center of this pic - zoom in you can just make it out

Go here next - Teton Crest Trail -Part 11

or back to beginning - Teton Crest Trail - Part 1

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